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What are Lipoproteins?

Lipoproteins are water soluble form of lipids.  They contain both lipids & proteins. There main function is to transport hydrophobic lipids e.g. cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids. 

Cholesterol can't travel freely through the bloodstream since it's insoluble in blood.  It travels through the blood on proteins, which are Lipoproteins. 

There are 3 types of lipoproteins-
1. LDL (Low Density Lp) : Known as 'bad cholesterol' as it carries cholesterol from the liver into bloodstream; where it can stick to the blood vessels. This can lead to atherosclerosis & further cvd.
The optimum amount of LDL in body is  <100 mg/dl

2. HDL (High Density Lp) :  Known as 'Good cholesterol'as it carries cholesterol from the other parts of body into the liver, where it get metabolized.
The optimum amount of HDL in body is >40 mg/dl.

3. VLDL (Very LDL) : It mainly carries triglycerides & phospholipids & stores them into adipose tissues.

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